Getting up is a way of life... »

Monday, November 15, 2010


Being accused of stealing at a 7-Eleven..

Me:  *Walks in, uses restroom...leaves*
7-Eleven Clerk: *runs to my car*
Me: *opens car door*
Clerk: "Did you get somethin'?"
Me: "No"
Clerk: "I heard the door on that cooler close..."

At this point there were about 3 people in the store...

Me: (wtf) "No, I just used the bathroom"
Clerk: "Ok..."

         Why go through all the trouble of running out to my car...creating a spectacle

                   To not even have me empty my pockets/jacket to see if i stole something?!??!

Yeah I understand that every 7-Eleven clerk has to do his job, trying to save the company from thieves such as myself. But to not even check and see if I did in fact steal something is just redundant. What a dumbfucker.

Anyways here is the track 'o' the day:

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Been feeling weird today, probably because I slept til 5 in the afternoon. 

That might be it...

But hey, it is hibernation season. 



Saturday, November 13, 2010

Player Issues...

I'm not talkin about my baby mama drama, I mean the music player.

If you get an error saying you aren't logged in just make an account it takes like 2 minutes. Stoopid!

I leave you with some wise words from Dr.Steve Brule:

Night In The City

Went to Salt Lake City...

and saw some graffiti...

to those who never have I got to show alot of pity!

              Also, TWO new tracks for you to listen to with your ear holes. 




Ultra Bomb Chips Ahoy.


         Now that I have you're attention...

Here is a great treat for those cookie+deep fried greasy grimey food lovers...

First. You will need a chips ahoy cookie, like so...exactly like this one pictured, and I strictly can NOT have any more or less chocolate chips then the one in this photo...:
 Next, get you some eggs. Put them in a bowl you doofus! If you're only making one to enjoy all by yourself (highly recommended) then I suggest one egg. But if you're having all your buddies over for this life changing, orgasmic, next level experience. Go ahead and Maybe throw another egg or two in there.

 NOW, add some cinnamon! 

And sugar!

Add some flour in there..

Mix that stuff up like emotions! I advise not to get too violent though. Like say if you had some repressed feelings toward your brother for never loving you...
 Add a little water or tears (might taste a bit salty)...

Make sure it is thick and consistent, sort of unlike my personality. Then drench the cookie in that shit

 Put it in a pan of oil, while the heat is on of course...This is where the magic happens, so you best pay attention.

 Let it chill til golden bbrrrown...



Friday, November 12, 2010

Short But Sweet

Few minutes worth of work...

More stuff from the creation station coming soon..

Welcome To The Slums


                        I'm typing as if I'm talking to an actual person which is kind of weird.

        But oh well, it's all good.

Here is my first produced track on this blog, and believe me there is lots more to come: